16 Apr 2009

About Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma staging systems define mesothelioma stages; however, they are far more descriptive for pleural mesothelioma than for peritoneal mesothelioma. These systems have changed over time. Mesothelioma stages are important considerations in treatment and prognosis. By sectioning a progressive disease into stages, doctors can evaluate mesothelioma treatment options. Grouping similar variables for evaluation is beneficial to developing mesothelioma treatment options for different mesothelioma stages.

Mesothelioma cancer

In 1976 the Butchart staging system identified four mesothelioma stages for diffuse pleural malignant mesothelioma by location. At stage one, the tumor is in one side of the pleural lining. At stage two, the tumor is malignant and has entered both lungs, and has the potential to spread. In stage three, the tumor has entered the peritoneum (abdomen region), and at stage four, the cancer has spread through the blood stream.

In the 1980s Chahinian added detailed tumor stages, lymph node stages and metastases stages to the pleural mesothelioma staging system. This staging system is referred to as TNM and is used within elaborative staging systems. In 1990 the UICC (Union Internationale Contre le Cancer) expounded on Chahinian’s mesothelioma stages. The Butchart mesothelioma staging system in its originality is obsolete for mesothelioma life expectancy statistics, however other mesothelioma stages have been developed from it, and many cancer institutions modify it for their evaluative purposes.

The IMIG (International Mesothelioma Interest Group) in a 1995 Journal of Chest from the American College of Chest Physicians proposed international acceptance for a detailed universal staging system. This staging system demands precise tumor location, and is based on TNM and the International Lung Cancer Staging System.

Mesothelioma Lawsuits

Mesothelioma can be intimidating and frightening diagnosis to receive, especially if the mesothelioma is connected with occupational asbestos exposure, particularly mesothelioma may not even appear in an individual until many years or even decades after the initial asbestos exposure. In order to properly deal with this condition, it is important to address the medical treatment of the mesothelioma first. The prospect of a mesothelioma lawsuit can seem intimidating in and of itself, therefore this article is intended to assuage any fears about mesothelioma litigation by provide answers to questions commonly asked about mesothelioma lawsuits.

Mesothelioma lawyer

Once a treatment course has been determined and initiated, the next best step may be to inquire with a qualified mesothelioma lawyer about the possibility of mesothelioma litigation. If your case goes to trial, expect your lawyer to consult with other experts, a trial preparation specialist, multimedia experts who can help present the evidence at trial in the most convincing manner, and witnesses who can bolster your own testimony in your mesothelioma trial. In an effort to avoid the cost

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